Paradiso, Taub, Sinay & Kostecka, PC

About Us

Paradiso, Taub, Sinay & Kostecka, PC has provided sophisticated and successful legal counsel to clients across Maryland and Washington D.C. since 1994.

With six top-rated lawyers and a highly experienced support team, we focus exclusively on complex divorce and family law matters – particularly high-asset cases – from our convenient law offices in downtown Bethesda, Maryland.

We understand life, marriage, families, business and the law. We’re experienced litigators, mediators, collaborative law practitioners, arbitrators and court-appointed attorneys for children. We work tirelessly to develop smart, sound legal strategies that resolve even the most complicated cases in the best interests of our clients.

Our Reputation is Well Known

In fact, our firm’s many successes and high ethical standards regularly place our lawyers among the region’s top Family Law attorneys in numerous publications and peer-generated rankings, including:

Our Attorneys